Wednesday 26 October 2011

School Magazine Prelim Task

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Wednesday 12 October 2011

Magazine MCU Pictures

With this picture I composed and made sure the background was colourful but not too busy. I think the contrast between the red of the bricks and the green of the grass contrasts and compliments each other quite well.
    I was aware that it was a windy day and I was pleased about this. In my opinion it adds movement and a bit of life to a photo. It makes things seem less one diminutional when the hair is flowing and a tiny bit on the face.

Whereas this picture reflects how shooting in windy conditions can sometimes result in messy looking pictures. This photograph is here to prove that I will try and construct a better direction for my models to stand in if it is windy next time I take pictures to that the wind isn't behind them pushing all their hair forward over their faces.

Although I am happy with this photograph and it contains a lot of movement due to the wind I found that you only really look at the hair moving in the wind and don't really concentrate on what the actual picture is of.
    But I like this picture because it is a very natural, happy picture. This photograph contains mis en scene of teenage students in a sixth form college with their passes around their necks. In addition to this they are both wearing smart school wear.

I used this photograph for my front cover as I think it was one of the most clearest pictures I took. Due to the hair not being over their faces like the past few shots but their is still a small amount of movement and life to this photograph. There is a direct gaze within this picture too, that is another reason why I picked it to be my front page. 

I liked this photograph because I like the look of the background and the fact that that the hair looks great, because it's not over her face. There is also a direct gaze here like there is with all my shots posted in within this blog.