Friday 4 November 2011

Construction Of Prelim Task

This is my front page of my school magazine. In my opinion I think that I could have made my style model more obvious to the eye. With clearer fonts underneath the 'top stuff' section on the far left side of the page.
      I feel that the photograph that I took was composed to a good standard due to the fact that I did think about where the camera was aiming at and the angel of which the models were standing whilst taking the picture. Although I like and am happy with the photograph I decided to use for my front page I believe that it could have been a more accurate medium close up shot. Mis en scene in my photograph isn't as clear as I would've liked it to be. Due to the students being in sixth form and not wearing a uniform that you can tell straight away. The only thing you can see that makes you assume that this is a school magazine is the sixth form passes around their necks.

This is my contents page for my school magazine. I used the style model of NME's contents page with the highlighting of the page numbers. I carried on with the same fonts and colour scheme as the front page so I did have a slight style going. This also includes the logo by each side of the word contents that is also on my front page.
       I used another medium close up photograph on the top right that includes depth of field. The main focus in on Elaine, in the blue shirt. Whereas Sophie (left) and Anna (right) are slightly out of focus but not too out of focus that you can't see them clearly. There are still clear enough to see details. For instance their sixth form passes around their necks are shown more clearly here than on the front page.
      To make the contents page more official looking I could've added more details and small pictures within the black light yellow background. It looks quite empty and basically a bit boring.

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