Sunday 22 January 2012

Finished Contents Page

There may be small little details that I change or enhance in the future weeks. But right now this is what my front and contents page of my music magazine looks like.
For the front page my main image contains depth of field created by my 50mm nikkor lens. I wanted the closest girl (Sophie) to have the full focus, giving the impression of her being the front girl of the rock band. I also made sure that Sophie had direct eye contact with the camera to reach out to the viewers of the magazine. The models in the background were also looking directing in the camera but as they're out of focus and slightly blurry you may not be able to tell too well. I added a 'rockier' vibe via mis en scene of the leather jacket worn by sophie and the guitar in her hand. Also the environment of the alley way that the band are in gives off that grunge, indie feel which I quite liked.

For the contents page I used another image taken of the main article band and another image taken of one of the free poster models.
I was happy with the look of the contents page but then I noticed it was kind of dull and boring with empty spaces on the left side so I took a few macro pictures of the guitar used in the other pictures I have taken.


(Above) My style Models front and contents page.

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