Tuesday 3 April 2012

Evaluation Question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?' (Front Page)

My magazine front cover features a bar code along with the issue number and date of the magazines release. This therefore meets one of the many main conventions of a magazine. However the front page does not contain a website, but I decided that my contents page would be better to have that convention.

It also has a feature cover line which in my case says 'Half full of infinity' it tells the viewer what is going to be inside this issue and othern articles in the magazine that are also featured like on the left hand side I have other images of things that are inside the magazine. They are in bold and in the colour scheme to stand out to passers by, for example in a shop or store.

My music magazine 'IRM' has that has its logo it is presented throughout the front page, contents and is mentioned in the double page spread within the interview.
'IRM' is featured on the right hand side in a thich, bold contrasting colour against the background of the main image. This is turn makes it clear and easily seen from a distance to get possible buyers interested to take a futher look at the media product.

Bold titles or another name for them is mastheads are created and put on magazines and such like to make the words stand out to the reader and grab their attention. My music magazine follows this convention due to the title 'IRM' being a bold, simple and straight to the point font. I did this to compliment my style model, which is NME. I liked the three letter bold look. I created a three dimensional look on photoshop by duplicating the layer and making it black then moving it slightly underneath to create the 3D look.

My magazine consists of a main image that has not had the background cut out as I thought it added needed mis en scene. It is eye catching due to the guitar and the models clothing. It is obvious straight away that it is a rock/music magazine. I used my nikon D40 camera with my 50mm  lens. I used that particular lens to add depth of field onto the image as 50mm allows you to chose where the main focus point of the photograph will be. So I made sure the only person in total focus was 'Sophie' the front member of the band and all the others where out of focus but still able to be seen by the reader.

I made a strict colour scheme that is shown through all of my media products. I used maroon, brown and blacks. I did this to add a professional edge to the magazine.

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