Wednesday 25 April 2012

NME Magazine Target Audience Research

Some of the Main Key Facts About NME Magazine

Price                 £2.20
Frequency         Weekly 
Circulation            56,284 
Readership           411,000 
Launch Date        1952
Male/Female        73%/27%
Average Age   25
ABC1                   73% 
Target Market   Men 17-30

NME Readers are entertainment enthusiasts!

80% of NME readers feel that music is an important part of their lives
79% of NME readers like to listen to new bands 
63% specially choose to listen to indie/guitar bands 
49% specially choose to listen to live bands in studio
52% are interested in taking a musical course/qualification 
36% are thinking of buying a musical instrument in the next year

More about the reader

34% are working full time, 18% are working part time and 26% are full time students
62% read at least 3 out of 4 issues 
Almost half (49%) have been reading NME for at least 3 years 
84% think the magazine gives them what they want spending an average of 46 minutes reading each issue

NME's regular buyers could vary due to their different genres of bands and artists within the magazines articles every week. It can contain bands from 80's and 90's and modern 'techo' music aimed at the generation growing up now.

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